“I met Jane,” you say. “Why? What…”
Before you can finish talking, suddenly you feel something on your shoulder move. You try to look over, and you see something shiny and metal for just a moment. Then there is a blinding flash of light.
You gasp. There is a burning hole in the wall. Monica barely ducked in time. She stands up fast, and you hear a whirring sound on your shoulder. Monica puts her gun up next to your ear, and she pulls the trigger.
There is an explosion, sparks, smoke. You can barely hear.
“What happened?” you say, coughing.
“The robots on this planet want me dead,” Monica says. “Yui isn’t human. She is a robot, and she installed a killer laser into your shoulder when she touched you. They want to kill me because I am a robot mechanic, and I decide if they are going to live or die—but they can’t kill me directly because I programmed them so they can’t attack me. But they found a way around their programming. If they install you with robot parts, they can take over your body and kill me.”
“Oh my gosh,” you say. “Are you all right?”
“I destroyed the laser,” Monica says, coughing from the smoke. “Come on, we should be safe now.”
Together, you run with Monica to the spaceship. Many robots stare at you both as you run past, but they cannot do anything to stop you. The robots try to touch you, but when they do, Monica shoots them. The robots fall apart in fire and sparks.
Inside the spaceship, you gasp and wheeze.
“We made it,” you say.
“Yes,” she says. “Go. I will stay behind. I need to stop the robots before they do this again.”
You think of Monica as you fly away in the spaceship. What an amazing woman, but you wish she had given you a bandage for your shoulder.
The end.